Help Page

Helping you navigate the new and improved TexasFile


Download our TexasFile User Guide

Learn more about TexasFile by watching TexasFile Help Videos

  • What information is available on TexasFile?
  • How often are counties updated?


  • How can I add funds to my TexasFile account?
  • How do I change my username?
  • How do I reset my password?
  • If I buy something once, will I be charged to re-download the document?

Search Tips:

  • How can I perform a name search on TexasFile?
  • How can I search by date on TexasFile?
  • How can I search by legal description on TexasFile?
  • Can I pull plats from Texasfile?
  • Can I search for specific document types?
  • Can I search for multiple documents at one time?
  • Can I search for a grantor and grantee at the same time?


Purchasing Documents: